Kennett Fire Department



The purpose of Code Enforcement is to protect the public health, safety, and welfare in existing buildings used for dwelling purposes. The department administrates and enforces sections of the City of Kennett Code of Ordinances. These ordinances regulate:
Storage of inoperable or abandoned vehicles on a public and private property, Minimum housing standards for existing dwellings, and environmental conditions which may contribute to deterioration in the community, and Abandoned commercial structures, which may contribute to deterioration in the community.
Some of the common complaints reported by citizens include abandoned houses and vehicles, structural defects in dwellings, and appliances or junk stored on the property. Concerned citizens are encouraged to telephone the Code Enforcement Office at 573-888-3005 to file a complaint.
Potential violations are discovered through citizen complaints, referrals from other agencies, inspector observations in an assigned area and systematic inspections in a target area. Once a complaint is received, an inspector will conduct an investigation to determine if there is an ordinance violation. If there is a violation, the inspector may notify the owner verbally or in writing.
After a violation order is issued for structural or environmental conditions, periodic follow-up inspections are conducted to determine if compliance has been met. The owner may telephone Code Enforcement at 888-3005 to discuss the needed repairs and arrange a plan of action to meet compliance. Follow-up inspections are done to determine if compliance has been met. Depending on the circumstances and severity, the department can opt to:
Give an extension to meet compliance
Court action
Issue an order to vacate the premises
Issue an order not to occupy until repairs are made
Should the owner fail to comply, court action can be initiated at any time after the first follow-up inspection.
High Grass/Weeds/Litter
Weeds or grass more than 10 inches high is a violation of the City Code. Failure to do so may result in a court citation and/or a bill for the City's mowing services.
Homeowners or tenants are responsible for keeping their lawns mowed, clipped mulched or cleared and the property free of litter (garbage, paper, cardboard, wood, glass, bedding, auto parts, appliances, limbs, etc.). The property must be maintained between the curb in front of the house (or if no curb then from the edge of the pavement) to the middle of the alley (or the back property line if there is no alley). Weeds or grass more than 10 inches high is a violation of the City Code. Failure to do so may result in a court citation and/or a bill for the City's mowing services.
Motor Vehicles Not Licensed
Motor vehicles that are inoperative and/or partially dismantled and have expired license tags are considered "junk motor vehicles". These vehicles are in violation of the City Code. Owners of the vehicles and all lien holders will be notified of the violation by mail. Owners may store inoperable vehicles in a garage to avoid towing.
Please note: Code Compliance only addresses vehicles on private property.
If the vehicle is on the street, the Kennett Police Department has jurisdiction. Please report your concern to (573) 888-4622.
Commercial Dumpsters in Residential Neighborhoods
Residential solid waste shall be stored in containers of no more than one-hundred (100) gallons in nominal capacity. Containers shall be leak proof, waterproof, and fitted with a fly tight lid, and shall be covered at all times except when depositing waste therein or removing the contents thereof. The containers shall have handles, bails, or other suitable lifting devices or features. Containers shall be of the type originally manufactured for residential solid waste, with tapered sides for easy emptying. They shall be of light weight and sturdy construction. The weight of any individual container and contents shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pounds. Galvanized metal containers, or rubber, fiberglass or plastic containers which do not become brittle in cold weather, may be used. Disposal solid waste containers with suitable frames or containers, as approved by the director, may also be used for storage of residential solid waste. Commercial type trash receptacles or dumpsters, which exceed the size and structure specifications contained in this paragraph shall be prohibited in residential zoning districts except for use by multiple housing facilities containing four (4) or more dwelling units and except for a period of times not exceeding six (6) months to allow for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, remodeling or demolition of a dwelling unit.
Code Enforcement / Property Maintenance Forms
One Story Building Inspection Checklist
Two Story Building Inspection Checklist
Accessory Building Inspection Checklist
Property Maintenance Complaint Form
These Forms can be filled out and emailed to the Code Enforcement Officer at KFDCE@KennettFD.org, Property Maintenance Officer at KFDPM@KennettFD.org, or printed out and taken to the Code Enforcement Office located at 200 Second Street.
City of Kennett Municipal Codes
City of Kennett Municipal Codes
The link above goes to an outside page that lists all of the current building codes that the City of Kennett has adopted and approved.
Missouri Landlord-Tenant Law
Missouri Landlord-Tenant Law
The link below goes to an outside page that is the current laws regarding Landlords and Tenants Rights.
Contact Us
Contact Us
We are here to serve the citizens of Kennett. Please fill out the contact form below and we will give you a call or email regarding the question or concern.
We are here to serve the citizens of Kennett. Please fill out the contact form below and we will give you a call or email regarding the question or concern.
Code Enforcement Officer: Victor Mode
Property Maintenance Officer: Brian Hufford